

And So Fell The Sword of Fate.....


There, in the rubble, stood a man among the mess of crumbling rocks.

"Damn I haven't trained this hard in years!!!" he said with a grin on his face. He took his sword and threw it at the ground, which penetrated the surface and wobbled effortlessly from the impact.

Standing there panting was Zaraki Kenpachi, standing with sweat pouring off his face. He wiped furiously at his brow with an intention to continue on with the training he had so long wanted. It's been 6 days since he, along with Hitsugaya Toshiro, started their training.

"DON'T YOU LOVE THE ADRENALINE???" Kenpachi shouted, laughing vibrantly afterwards.

"You mean to tell me you take your training serious?" The voice was that of Kuchiki Byakuya, who had just started his training a few days back. "To me you just look like a fool."

"So you have something to say??", Kenpachi snapped back, pointing a finger at Byakuya.

"I'm just saying, a true warrior takes his training seriously." Byakuya turns his head in Kenpachi's direction. "You just look like a fool to me."

"You've only been here 3 days," Toshiro spoke out in defense to Kenpachi. "You really don't have the room to talk."

"Even though that is true, he still makes a mockery of what it is to be a warrior! Fighting shouldn't be a joke!"

"That might be correct, but if one takes joy in fighting, what makes them less of a warrior? Zaraki, you must find ammusement in this training I'm telling" Toshiro stated, as he tossed hims head back clearing the hair in his face.

"You get it all wrong," Kenpachi replied, his grin ever apparent on his face " I find ammusement in becoming more powerful!!!"

Kenpachi withdrew his sword from the ground and rested the blade on his shoulders. He pointed his head to the sky at a figure at the top of the stairs, stairs which seemed to appear out of nowhere out in the seemingly desolate mountain region.

"You know that feeling don't you,"

The figure walked down the stairs while the light shown brightly upon his face, but yet still his eyes were shaded by his hat. His wooden sandals announced his descent.


Urahara then lifted his head, revealing his carefree eyes. It was underground in his shop in which the 3 were training.

"Seems like you guys are getting along just fine!" Urahara smiles as the clank of his sandals announce the end of his descension. "Do I have something for the three of you today!" He digs vigorously in his pocket and pulls out a sheet of wrinkled paper.

"AHHH! Ok, I have a job for you three. Since you all are inexperienced with battling hollows, I thought 'Hell, why not let you guys take a simple mission and tackle the task for extra training!'" The three stood in confusion as Urahara held the paper in front of his face.

He continued. " There is a hollow that just recently appeared in the area. I thought you all would be perfect for the mission."

"And where is this hollow located?" Byakuya replied.

At that instant a loud crash shook their ears. The group rushed to the top of the stairs. Urahara points outside.

"Right outside of here!"

"How come it hasn't broken down the walls yet?" Kenpachi asked out of curiosity.

"Barrier," Urahara replied. The screams of the hollow bellowed in their ears. "Don't you think you should handle it?

"This is just what I've been waiting for!" Kenpachi shouted. He gripped his sword handle and ran out of the building with Toshiro and Byakuya following.


There the hollow stood, ready to devour the three that appeared to challenge it.

"Let's do it." Toshiro spoke out before unsheathing his sword. The other two did the same.

The hollow let out one more monstrous roar before swiping at Toshiro with his talon-like claws. Toshiro jumps over his arms and attempts to slash it, only to be interrupted by the tail of the hollow swatting him down like a fly into an adjacent wall.

"Shit" he exclaims as he speeds spinning into the wall.

"I got ya!"

Kenpachi catches him before impact, while Byakuya jumps in the air preparing to take his sword to the hollows mask.

"Die!" Byakuya exclaims as he pulls his sword over his head.

As he reaches the proper elevation preparing to swing, the hollow grabs him and throws him down to the ground, with him nimbly escaping his face meeting the dirt. Kenpachi then starts running towards the monstrosity while his sword drags along the ground, creating sparks that light up the ground in the process.

"You are a pain in the ass to bring down!" Kenpachi shouts before attempting to slash the hollow.


The monster growled as it used its tail to smack Kenpachi, tumbling on the ground from the impact.

"Damn...this is gonna be a little harder than I thought" Kenpachi spoke as he laid with his back on the ground.

"We need a plan!" Toshiro blurted out.

"This creature is beyond our level at the moment" Byakuya responded.

At that moment, the hollow began to open its mouth and unleashed a cero blast. The group quickly scattered to avoid the blast. Battered and bruised, the three decide on an idea.

"I say we attack him together" Toshiro said as he rose up on one knee.

"Yeh, I don't see how we can do much worse! We just need to get rid of that tail" Kenpachi replied. Byakuya nodded in agreement.

The three gripped their swords and rushed after the hollow, who was already exhausted from the cero blast. It attempted to swat them with his tail, but it was too many to try to swat at. Moving in for the kill, Toshiro goes and jumps in the air and slash the hollow's tail, in which it roared in anguish.With the hollow's attention on Toshiro, Byakuya and Kenpachi jump towards its' face and slash it down the center, thus destroying the entity that was the hollow, and allowing the soul to go to Soul Society. Breathing heavily, the group seem satisfied with a victory.

"You guys still have much to learn," Urahara proclaimed as the barrier deactivated around the premise, "But still, that was very interesting. That hollow indeed was above your level, but you all showed that through teamwork and careful planning, victory can happen. That's the message I wanted to show you. Whenever you can't do it alone, rely on teamwork. Now get back to training!!!!! No time for lolligaggers!"


Kenpachi +30 to all stats

Toshiro +30 to all stats

Byakuya +30 to all stats

Bleach Episode 1