
Mission 5(Attack on the Soccer Field)

Mission Stories | Mission 3 (Familiar Possessed) | Mission 5(Attack on the Soccer Field)

The leaves on the trees in the surrounding area reflected the sunlight onto Kenpachi's face as he walked towards the soccer field. The birds were perched upon the branches singing their songs as the Shinigami planted his feet firmly on the lush turf and inhaled deeply.
"AH! This is what I'm talking about!" he started as he lifted his head in the air in excitement. " I can sense them...." He turned his head slightly, tuning his ears to a sound around his vicinity.

Footsteps were approaching him at a rapid pace, as if someone was running towards him. It was a young girl with black hair dribbling a soccer ball, who apparently used to be a soccer player on this field. Behind her was another girl in the same attire, who seemed to be chasing the black haired girl.
"Excuse me, Mr." the black hair girl squeaked as she ran past Kenpachi giggling. Kenpachi stepped on the ball the girl was dribbling.
"Hold it!" He spoke with a stern voice as the two girls stopped in their tracks. He could tell they were pluses, due the chains attatched to the center of their chest. "Is anyone of you named Kira?"
The girls gasped and stared at each other. The girl with the black hair respond back, now in a timid voice.
"I'm...Kira. can see us?" She stammered to Kenpachi.
"Of course." Kenpachi started as he took his foot off the ball and picked it up. "They call me Kenpachi. I'm here to take you to Soul Society. Who is your friend here?"
Kira smiled brightly. "This is Ishizu. She's my friend...the only one I have left."
Kenpachi raised his brow in a questioning manner. "What do you mean?" he asked.
"Well," Kira started as she sat on the ground with Ishizu, "A month ago me and my soccer team were on a bus heading to the finals. We had practiced all year to make it so far." Her head dropped as a single tear fell from her cheek. "It was so awful......"
Kenpachi crouched down to Kira and put his hand on her shoulder. He could feel strong spiritual pressure through the soccer ball suddenly. Kira continued.
"It was about to be spring time. The weather was cold still but suddenly it started snowing. We were amazed at this, and all the kids were paying attention to the snowflakes. Suddenly our bus driver loss control of the bus, and we all....." Kira started to cry uncontrollably. "We were all together as spirits, suddenly everyone started to disappear one by one...until I was the only one left. Everytime someone left, I could always hear this laughing, as if someone was mocking me. I was all alone. Soon, I was getting attacked by these creatures with these white skeleton-like mask. They chased me to no end, but I would always manage to get away by the skin of my teeth."
"That must be the hollows Urahara was talkin' bout" Kenpachi started to think to himself. He focused back on Kira. "Where are these creatures now?"
"I haven't seen them, seems like they gave up on me. That's when I met Ishizu, she became my new friend!" Ishizu smiled at Kira, and Kira smiled back.
Suddenly, a loud crash was heard in the bleachers. Kenpachi, in a surprised state, turned his head to see what had happened. A large hollow, shaped like a snake, was in the debris, growling at Kenpachi.
"YOU TWO GET THE HELL OUTTA HERE!" Kenpachi shouted towards the two souls. They jumped up and ran for cover. He put his attention towards the Hollow. "You want a piece of me? Let's have fun." he said with a large grin on his face.
Kenpachi took out his Soul Candy and popped it into his mouth. Within a quick flash, he popped out of his gigai. He withdrew his Zanpakuto and turned towards his gigai. "Get the hell outta here, it's gonna get ugly." The gigai nodded and ran away from the scene.
The hollow screamed as he jutted towards Kenpachi. Kenpachi brought his sword in front of him to protect himself from the impact. As the hollow collided with his sword, it pushed Kenpachi along the ground with his feet digging up the dirt he was on. He takes his sword and slings the hollow over his shoulders in which it crashed into the goal post, collapsing the goal itself on top of it. Kenpachi ran towards the hollow and slashes it in half. The hollow squirmed in agony, then something unexpected happened.
"What the hell???" Kenpachi asked himself as the half of the hollow he had cut off started to develop a head as well as another mask. "So the half regenerates??"
The two hollows slithered along the ground in an attempt to wrap Kenpachi up with their body's, but the shinigami was to smart for them. Just as they both attempted the constriction, Kenpachi jumped out of the way, and the hollow were entangled with each other, struggling to break free.
"It's time to finish this!" Kenpachi yelled as he ran towards the hollows and with a few quick slashes with his zanpakuto, he dispacthed the hollows without a scratch done to him.
Kenpachi's ear twitched as the scream vibrated throught the air.
"KIRA!" he yelled as he followed the screams to the adjacent forest. as he approached a clearing, he saw Kira being held by the throat, by no one other than Ishizu. The look on Ishizu's face had changed from innocent to terrorfying. A deep chuckle escaped from Ishizu's mouth. Kenpachi stared with a angered look on his face.
"SO....." Ishizu snarled, "IT'S TIME TO DEVOUR THIS GIRL'S SOUL!!!" Ishizu's form was changing, and a white mask started to form over her face as her eyes turned black. Snow started to fall in the area, and it started to all make sense to Kenpachi.
"So it was you," Kenpachi started, anger starting to grow within him. "IT WAS YOU WHO KILLED ALL THOSE KIDS THAT DAY!!!" Kenpachi brought his hand in front of him and pointed his index finger towards Ishizu. "WAY OF DESTRUCTION 4: WHITE LIGHTNING!!"
A large beam of white light went toward the hollow, and upon impact flung her away from Kira and into some trees. Kira fell to the ground clenching her throat and gasping for air. Kenpachi ran over towards Kira and crouched down to see if she was okay.
The shattered tree debris was thrown about and out rose a giant serpent hollow. It was Ishizu.
"THAT GIRLS SOUL WILL BE MINE!!" the hollow hissed as she took out the soccer ball. It began to glow eerily. She took one of her claws and and dug it into the ball. What came out of the ball appeared to be a soul, in which Ishizu promptly devoured. The air around her began to glow.
"So that's it." Kenpachi smiled as he clenched his sword. "I just found your weak point! Kira go hide somewhere!"
Kenpachi ran towards the hollows and jumped in the air and sliced at the hollow's arm that was holding the ball. The hollow screamed in agony as he used his other arm to clench Kenpachi buy the throat.
"You little shit... " the hollow proclaimed as she brought Kenpachi closer to her face. "I will eat you also!!!"
Kenpachi smirked as he impaled his sword through the arm in which the hollow was holding him. The
hollow hissed in pain and dropped the shinigami.
"So I'm guessing that hollow from earlier was your doing to distract me??? You coulda make it a bit stronger don't ya think?" Kenpachi commented while picking up the soccer ball. "And you must have all the souls of those poor kids in this soccer ball, which you pick out and eat whenever you wish to get stronger. You are so damn easy to read!!!"
Kenpachi ran towards the hollow and constantly slashed at it, with the hollow barely dodging each attack. He snickered as Ishizu was appearing to get exhausted with each movement slowing down.
"You will NEVER kill me!!!" Ishizu claimed as she outstretched her arm towards Kenpachi and burrowed into the ground. As she did that Kenpachi jumped up her arm and ran across it towards her face. Ishizu gasped in horror.
"This is it!" Kenpachi yelled as he drove the tip of his blade throught the hollow's mask, and continued to slice up the hollow, killing it.
"Whew," Kenpachi sighed out of breath. Suddenly he felt the embrace of someone. It was Kira, weeping with gratitude. Kenpachi smiled as he crouched towards the girl. "You and your friends are going to be okay. You are all going to Soul Society, where you won't have to worry about anything."
Kira smiled gratefully as Kenpachi took the hilt of his sword and gently put it on Kira's forehead. She began to glow as her soul as well as her friends souls rose to the air following a black butterfly.
"Take care, hope to see ya soon" Kenpachi whispered as he watched the souls make their transtition to Soul Society.
Mission Successful
Kenpachi +100 to all stats; +Y500