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1.Stats- Characters gain levels in different stats. Every character has 6 stats that affect how they battle:

Riatsu: Character's power; affects 
           many things including Kido

Defense: How much damage your
             character can take

Speed: Affects reaction time and  
          quickness of attacks       

Skill: Fighting ability and skill level of 

Endurance: Character's spiritual and physical

Intelligence: Character's IQ; affects battle 
Characters gain stats by doing different types of training, going to school, defeating Hollows, doing missions, and after a chapter in the story is complete.

Characters also gain levels in Combat Skills. Combat skill levels are gained depending on what kind of training you do and also on a number of things:

Kido: For every kido move you learn this increases by 1. When 
       you max out(lvl 3) a spell, you receive an additional 
       increase by 5.

Hand-to-Hand: Everytime you do hand to hand combat  
                     training (Karate Class, Special Forces Training,
                     etc), this increases by 1.
                     (For Chad Only)Everytime you kill a Hollow and 
                     for every +100 to your skill stat this increases
                     by 1.

Agility: For every +100 to your speed stat or when you do
          speed training, this increases by 1. When you learn
          speed abilities, you receive an additional increase of 5.

Swords/Bowsmanship;Hairpins: Everytime you kill a Hollow, do weapon training, or for every +100 to your skill stat this increases by 1. Also, for every new level you reach with your weapon, you receive an additional increase of 5.

Combat Skills affect your character because it is a brief overview of your character and shows what your character can do. For instance:

Kido -Shows you are skilled in Kido. The higher the kido level, the quicker you can cast spells (kido lvl 1-25 full encantation;26-75 half encantation; 76 and above no encantation).

Hand-to-hand- Shows your physical combat strength. The higher the hand-to-hand level the more effective you are with a weapon unequipped.

Agility- Shows how fast you are. The higher the agility stat the better you can dodge attacks or/and counterattack.

Swords/Bowsmanship;Hairpins- Shows your mastery of a weapon. The higher the Swords/Bowsmanship;Hairpins stat, the more efficient you are wielding a weapon.

When a character reaches a certain number in a certain stat, he/she gains a new move/ability, like being able to release your Zanpaku-to or being able to use Shunpo. The chart for what moves are learned will be on a page entitled STAT LEVEL UPS. When you level up into a new form you learn a new ability that you make up, as long as it goes with your affinity. It can either be a physical or riatsu based ability (i.e. Zabimaru's ability to extend is physical, Zangetsu's Getsuga Tenshou is Riatsu based)

2.Locations- Locations consist of areas within Karakura Town, Soul Society, and Hueco Mundo. The areas within the towns are the following:

Karakura Town- Urahara's Shop, Karakura High, Karakura Hospital, Soccer Field, Ichigo's House, Graveyard, Himawari Haberfashery, Vizard Training Grounds, Quincy Training House, and Town Streets.

Soul Society- Soul Society is divided up into 2 areas, Seireitei and Rukongai, each with its own sub-areas: Tower of Peninence, The Court of Pure Souls, Underground Sewer, Shinigami Academy, Special Forces area, and Sokyoku hill in Seireitei; and Districts A-D in Rukongai.

Hueco Mundo- Forest of Minnows, Surface, and Las Noches.

more to come....

Everybody who joins the site starts off at Urahara's Shop(soon changing if enough people join), which is the Q&A forum/Item Shop/Mission House/Training Dojo. Basically, it's going to be "Home". In order to buy items, go on missions, or train(in Karakura Town) must be at Urahara's Shop. There will be a page on the site made specifically for Urahara's Shop which will include items, available missions, and who is training. In order to reach locations you must walk to it unless you have enough money to purchase a bike. When you walk to a location it will take (3 days). When you have enough money to buy a bike it takes (1 day), and when you learn shunpo you go there instantly. Karakura High School allows you to increase your intelligence stat by 100 but takes 5 days to complete and also you can do special training that increases your skill and speed stats by 50 1 day out of the week at the Karate Club. Vizard Training Grounds allow you to train and undergo hollowificationQuincy Training House allows Quincy to train in order to regain Quincy powers and receive the Quincy Pentacle and also create a Quincy special bow afterwards. Himawari Haberfashery is where you can buy new clothes for you character. The rest of the locations around town are involved in mission progress and fighting hollows.

Soul Society on the other hand will not be able to be accessed until Shinigami learn their Shikai, Humans fully awaken their spiritual powers and go through the Soul Gate in Urahara's Shop, Adjuchas turn to Vastelordes, Quincy master the Senrei Glove, and Bounto create their dolls. Once in Soul Society you start in Rukongai District D and must make your way to the Wall Guardian in District A and defeat him. Once you defeat him you can access Seireitei, where you can learn Kido skills, increase your stats, and work your way up the ranks to become a Captain of a Squad at Shinigami Academy , shop, get healed if you lose a battle in Seireitei, and talk to people in the Court Of Pure Souls, or become a member of the elite special forces unit and train and go on missions in the Special Forces area. Most of the Seireitei stories involve fights at the Tower Of Penenence, Underground Sewer, and Sokyoku Hill.

After Shinigami's reach Bankai, Humans become experts with their spritual power, Vastelordes remove their mask, Quincy's  gain Quincy Final Form, and Bounto become Doll Experts, you can make your way to Hueco Mundo, where your skill will be pitted against the strongest Hollows around. It'll take 1 month to train but the rewards for training in the Forest of Minnows is 200 experience to each one of your stats. In order to return to Soul Society you must be on the Surface. Some of the fights that will appear later in the storyline will occur at Las Noches, and Arrancar can learn Release here (needed to unlock Resurreccion) and Chad can learn Realize Hollow Power(needed to unlock Left Arm).

At Urahara's Shop, you can go train underground as long as you want...but there are consequences for that. The initial training time limit is a week; if you continue on for longer than the amount of experience you receive will diminish or increase every 7 days after the completion of the initial training(i.e. training for spirit: Riatsu=35, Endurance=25<-----after day 7----> Riatsu +45, Endurance +15). Specific training will have different results, so be sure to focus on the correct training. After training it will be 2 days before you can train again("resting from training" will be on your page). You can't do anything else while training.

The training goes as the following:

(  ) = deduction for every 7 days after the first 7 days

Physical Training- Defense +30(-10), Speed +30(-10), Skill +15(+5)

Endurance Training- Endurance +40(+5), Defense +20(-10)

Spiritual Training- Riatsu +35(+10), Endurance +25(-10)

Weapon Mastery- Skill +45(+15), Riatsu +15(-15)

Offensive Tactics- Riatsu +40(-25), Speed +20(-5), Skill +5(+20)

Defensive Tactics- Defense +40(+10), Skill +20(-15)

The Karate Club at school gives you 50+ Skill and Speed to your stats when you go, but you can only do it once a week.

The other place to train is the Shinigami Academy, where you can learn and upgrade your Kido skill. Humans, Quincys, and Bounts can learn Kido through the help of a Shinigami Amulet, which goes for Y10,000.
You study at the school and for everyday you study you receive 2 respect and 2 skill points(rp/sp). You use skill points to "learn" new kido and the cost for the kido is the level it is(i.e. Destructive Spell 90. Black Coffin will cost 90 skill points). When you learn a new Kido it starts off at level 1, and if you "learn" it again it will be level 2, with level 3 being its maximum strength. Your intelligence will also increase by 50 for every Kido skill you learn.

You can also study and train at the same time while at the school.You can also create your own special move here for the price of Y10,000

Training is the same in Shinigami Academy as it is at Urahara's Shop, except you can train without penalties and keep the bonuses, only thing is every extra day you train you add to the days you rest.

The Special Forces area allows you to train AND increase a combat skill. It takes 15 days to complete training. You can do the following training while in this area:

Elite Speed Training- Endurance +40, Speed +55, Skill +30,  

Advanced Weapon Training- Riatsu 50, Skill +50

Special Forces Training- All stats +30

4.Ranks- The respect points help you gain ranks in the squad of your choosing. The rank and points required are the following(from lowest to highest rank):

Seated Officer- 50 rp

5th Seat- 100 rp

4th Seat- 200 rp

3rd Seat- 300 rp

Lieutenant- 500 rp

Captain- 1000 rp + must know Bankai

Commander-General- 2000 rp + must have 10 level 3 Kido spells 50 or over.

You must fight the 5th seat in order to take his position, and so on and so on. There will be Captains, Lieutenants, etc., created especially for this rpg. If someone wants to take your seat and they have enough rp they can fight you for it and if they win they take your seat and you get demoted until you gain 100 more rp, in which you can fight for your seat back. Only exception for these rules is a normal Seated Officers, in which there can be mutiple people. Only Shinigami can participate in squads.

Arrancar are put in rank of 1-10 depending on whoever has the highest stats. An arrancar can challenge another arrancar of a higher position and fight for that position. If the challenger wins, he/she takes the new rank and their opponent goes down a rank. If the challenger loses, he/she will not able to challenge again until 1 month after the battle date.

The higher the rank, the more authority you have. 


5.Missions- Missions are available at Urahara's Shop. For every mission you complete, you receive experience points and money, in which the data and your current currency is loaded to your SOUL PHONE(shinigami), or WALLET(humans, bounto, and arrancar) . You can go on missions in groups to tackle harder missions, like destroying a powerful hollow. You still get the experience points and the money, but it's split between the team. Shinigami are given 1 piece of Soul Candy in order to complete missions while other classes don't need it. There are two types of missions:

Hollow Mission- Pretty self explainatory. Choose what hollow mission you want to go on. The hollow's stats and location will be posted and the reward as well as the experience will also be shown. These missions take 1 day to complete. ARRANCAR EAT THE HOLLOWS THEY DEFEAT.

Soul Burial Mission- Go to the Location the Plus is located, help him out, and finish the mission. These mission will take a little longer, seeing that you may have to go multiple places, but the experience points will be much higher. These missions take between 1-5 days to complete. BOUNTO, HUMANS AND ARRANCAR CANNOT PERFORM SOUL BURIALS SO THEY GET DOUBLE THE EXP FOR HOLLOW MISSIONS.

All missions are on a first come first serve basis :)


6. Sparring-
You can spar with other people on the site. The person you want to spar with must agree to spar with you. Everytime you spar with a person you get +20 to each one of your stats. It takes 10 days to spar with a person. You can only spar while at Uruhara's Shop if you are in Kurakara Town and Shinigami Academy if you are in Seireitei.


7.Items- Items can be bought in Urahara's Shop and Himawari Haberfashery in Karakura Town and the Court of Pure Souls in Seireitei. Items can be brought with yen, which you receive after completing missions.
Items are updated weekly, so be sure to check out NEW ARRIVALS.

8.Affinities- Every character starts off with an affinity of their choice. Their affinity determines what kind of special moves they can create for their weapons are determined by this. The affinities you can choose from are the following:

Ice, Water, Fire, Lightning, Wind, Light, Earth, Dark

9.Weapons- Weapons are what make BLEACH BLEACH! Characters come equipped with weapons, which they can't fully utilize until they reach certain stages in stats. Shinigami and Arrancar have the ablity to name their Zanpaku-to's and give them a Release. Quincy can buy specially crafted bows and Quincy weapons from Urahara's Shop. Orihime gets a special hairpin with an ability to make, as well as keeps her other 6 hairpins which you can increase in level (1-3). Chad gets to choose the name of his arms ( Brazo Derecha  __________  and Brazo Izquierda __________) and what effects they do. Bounto name their dolls and their effect.

10.Fighting- You also have the option to fight another player on the site. In order to do so you must post who you want to fight in the Fights section of the Message Board. When you fight a person, your stats become a major factor. In order to "cut" your opponent, your riatsu and skill level combined must be within 100 skills point of your opponent's defense and riatsu levels combined. Abilities that you have learned also affect how well you perform in battle. Outcomes will be determined due to who has the higher skills. A player who loses a fight winds up in Kurakara Hospital if they are in Kurakara Town or the Court of Pure Souls if they are in Seireitei. The player cannot leave the location until 2 days and loses 1/3 of their Yen to the person they lost to. A person cannot challenge the same person twice in 1 month, but if the player who was challenged loses a fight, he/she can re-challenge the player who beat them. All battles will be scripted and posted on the Message Board.

11.Characters- You can be any character in BLEACH except Urahara, non-Arrancars, Mod Souls, Royal Family, and humans other than Chad and Orihime.