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Urahara's Shop

(Updated 09/08/08) * new
Soul Candy(5) w/Dispenser (shinigami)- Y2,000
Allows you to spar with people in different locations. without you can only go into "spirit form" by getting Urahara to use his cane on you. (Humans, Arrancar, and Bounto do not need this item. They can spar with people in any location once they learn Heighten Spirit Awareness level 1.)
Bicycle - Y1,500
Allows you to get to locations faster
*Hollow Bait- Y2,000
Allows you to make Hollows appear instantly for you to fight. Will automatically increase your stats by 50 when used.
Shinigami Amulet(Humans, Quincy, Bounto): Y10,000
Quincy Steele Sneiders(x20): Y10,000
Qunicy Artifact: Y20,000 (one time only)
*Soul Glove- Y10,000 
Allows the wearer to knock any Shinigami out of their Gigai and into their Spirit Form.
*Eyepatch- Y15,000
When equipped stats are cut in half, but stat increases from training, sparring, missions, etc. are doubled.
1.HDeath On Arrival(available)-All stats +10 Y +500
Hollow disturbance located around Karakura Hospital. Hollow is said to be a tier I type, so it shouldn't be a problem to dispatch.

2.HWhisper in the Streets(available)- All stats +10 Y +500 
Hollow disturbance located around the Town Streets. Hollow is said to be a tier I type, so it shouldn't be a problem to dispatch.
3.HFamiliar Possessed (completed )- All stats +50 Y + 1,000
Hollow disturbance located around Karakura High. Student has been possessed by a tier H type, so it may be advised to level stats up a few or form a team before attempting.
4.SBThe Broken-Hearted Seamstress(Kenpachi)-
All stats + 45 (+25 if failed) Y +1,500 (+750 if failed)
You must perform a Soul Burial on the Seamstress located near the Himawari Haberfashery. This is a tier I soul burial, so it shouldn't be to complex.

5.SB Attack on the Soccer Field (Completed)-
All stats +100 (+50 if failed) Y +500(+250 if failed)
You must perform a Soul Burial on Kira located near the Soccer Field. She is being hunted by the hollow in the area. This is a tier H Soul Burial, make sure you are ready.